Monday, September 27, 2010

life on a sick day...

*WARNING-this post is all about domestic housewife life, so if you're not interested, don't bother reading!*
We're pretty sick around here folks. So sick, that I felt some chicken soup was in order. But not so sick that I didn't have the energy to make it. (some chai tea helped in that department) But we're not talking your Campbell's canned soup (although I have fond childhood memories of it), no, I'm actually making it...from scratch! (What does that mean anyways, "made from scratch"? ....such weird expressions)
Instead of sewing or crafting during Luc's naptime today, I decided to get a head start on dinner. It was my first attempt at butchering up a whole chicken raw, (probably another of those housewife milestones, yes?) and it didn't turn out as funky as I thought. I was left with the carcass and a fridge full of fresh market vegetables, so I'm currently simmering up a giant pot of chicken stock, or broth, whatever you want to call it. It really is amazing how much food you can get out of just one chicken.
Tomorrow, hopefully, we'll be better and I'll show you the latest projects. I'm going to see if I can squeeze in a quick nap!
PS-Happy Birthday Mom!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love to make soup Carolyn! I always throw in lots of Thyme, my Grandmother always did and it really adds a great flavor. Or maybe I like it because it reminds me of my Grandmother's soup...hmmmmm anyway you might like it to! Have fun! Love, Carla

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