Tuesday, September 29, 2009

the most irresistable face in the world

The face I see everyday, all day. I must be the luckiest girl in the world! Sweet boy, I love you so much. So crazy much.

story time is just beginning

A number of truly exciting events in my life have already passed. Peace Corps, travels, marriage, baby, etc. I’m only 26! So what else could there be to blog about than just ordinary everyday life stuff, you might wonder. I have to tell you though, I think it’s better to write about things after they’ve happened. Funny stories and events come to mind only when I’m doing those ordinary everyday things. Usually they make me laugh out loud in the middle of a shower, grocery shopping, cooking, driving....

Knowing that, I hope you delight in this blog as much as I will as I reveal to you my best stories, and of course, add in a bit of the everyday stuff.

Here’s some recent photos of us
to start you off on what our life looks like here in La Réunion.