Monday, September 6, 2010

for the love of writting

In an effort to remember fleeting thoughts during the day, I've decided to start keeping a daily written journal. I may write in it several times a day. And I may or may not share some of it in this space. I used to keep journals when I was much younger, and I'm so glad I did. I could reread those early days and remember what it really felt like to be me at a certain stage of my young life. Somehow, writing became so much more infrequent until now.
It will be good for me. At the very least, it will be good for my handwritting, which has looked much better in the past. I would love to have beautiful handwritting like my Mom, who, even if she's writing a check for the power bill, writes a careful, steady, beautiful trail of cursive. Hopefully too, I can write more freely, not just hit the backspace if I don't like what I just wrote. (Coincidently, I have not done that yet in this post!) I like to write. I mean, it's partially the reason I started this blog, almost a year ago, (already??!).
I can credit this "inspiration" to the blog world and to Luc. How so? Well, lots of blogs are like public personal journals (people are so brave!), I mean, want to share your kid's recent creation? You tell the story that goes along with it. Want to share your favorite recipes? Then you'll probably also talk about why it's so dear to your heart. And Luc factors in because I see him learning daily from us. I have a small notebook where I write down ideas and drawings of things I'd like to make. He is fascinated by it. He grabs my pen and wants to do the same thing I am, to sketch, or doodle, or whatever. I hope that by writting in a daily journal, I'll not only save precious daily memories that could easily be forgotten, but also show him what a joy it is to have them and put pen to paper (or crayons, whatever). I hope he'll keep a journal one day too.

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