Saturday, March 27, 2010

Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue

Something new:
A cookbook on savory cakes, tarts, quiches, and breads.
(Like I need more cookbooks!)

Something "borrowed":
An airline blanket which "accidently" found it's way into Alex's bag when he came back from France last month. It was very plain, so I added layers of ribbons tied on by french knots.
How fitting right?

Something old: ME!
At the beginning of this month, I turned 27.
If you had described my day to me years ago and then told me it would be the perfect birthday, I would have looked at you like you had just suggested animal brains taste delicious.
But in fact this is how it went;
It started as a typical morning of "Luc, please don't throw your toys in the trash can",
"oh no! you've thrown your blanket off the balcony again?!", and
"what is THAT in your mouth?!".
When he went down for his nap, I attacked the dishes left in the sink from the night before which lead to folding laundry, starting another load, mopping the floors, scrubbing the bathtub, hanging out laundry to dry even though it was raining, and a bit of dusting.
WHY, you ask?
I had treated myself to extra coffee on my birthday morning, so I had extra energy!
With the house all shiny and clean, I took an extra long shower and used up what was left of our hot water. Alex came home, and then all three of us went out to dinner, walking to the center of town to go to Zanzibar, my favorite little posh bar/resto.
Do you know that is the FIRST time we've done that with the monkey?
And it wasn't at all the nightmare I thought it could turn into! After all those years working in restaurants, trying to avoid getting seated with the people who came in with kids, I was afraid we'd turn into those people. Unless you've been a server, it's hard to imagine the other side. Oh, the clean-up after those families leave! And don't mention having to mess around with kiddie cups, strollers and highchairs in the way, changed orders, spilled drinks, crying, restless kids, other tables getting annoyed, etc.It was chaos that many servers tried to avoid.
But thankfully, my birthday fell on a Tuesday, it was fairly unbusy, and Luc was a real gem.
I think it was his birthday gift to me!
Of course, on the way back, we were soaked entirely as we walked home in the rain.
But it was perfect!

Something blue:
Onesies that were updated into shirts for Luc.
(OK, not all of them are totally blue, but whatever)
He is so active now that I can barely get him into a shirt, let alone try to wrestle with added snaps around his bum. So I've turned 3 out of 6 onesies into shirts by cutting off the bottoms and using a zig zag stitch to finish them off. Easy enough but requires a bit of finesse not to pull the knit so it doesn't end up looking all wonky. Why only half of them? The sewing machine has stopped working, a complete bummer, but more on that later.

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