Saturday, March 27, 2010

America is all around us

I know a lot of people think La Réunion is this completely exotic place, which in many ways that's true, but you can always find a bit of American influence in many small nitches in the world. Take for instance the everyday things around here. You will always see ads for Dodo, the local beer, painted on buildings;

but just as common is finding an ad for Coke. I think it would be hard NOT to find Coke in the far reaches of the world.
And what goes almost hand-in-hand with Coke? McDonalds. We have six scattered around the island here. Here's the one in the center of St Denis.

What else?
Levis, Converse, Nike.
But beyond certain big brand names, there are other things that stick out to me like a sore thumb; like this "VEGAS MOTOR SHOW" that's going on tonight. People are really promoting this one; I saw one of their gigantic monster trucks taking up half the street this morning, blaring music and with a couple guys handing out flyers for the event. It even had a huge American flag hanging off it, and something to the effect of "big monster" scrawled on the side. The sight of it all made me laugh out loud. A monster truck rally come to La Réunion. I would never have expected that one. Check out this video (let it load completely first) someone made of the Vegas Motor Show event that took place in another town on the island:

A couple of weeks ago at the night market, my friend and I watched as a group of country line dancers performed in the road, all of them decked out in cowboy boots, cowboy hats, fringed vests, big belt buckles, and the like. I didn't even know you could buy all that stuff here! The group actually consisted of people who take country line dancing classes somewhere here in St Denis. Oh man, were they enjoying themselves with big smiles as Cotton Eye Joe played and a few of them even yelling out "Yee-Haw!!" It was another I can't believe what I'm seeing type of moments for me. I wish I had captured a picture of it.
So if you're looking for a bit of Americana here, there is plenty to be found. And it can take many surprising forms, so prepare to be amused!

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