Monday, October 19, 2009

book sale

So I went a little crazy recently. You know, in a shopping kind of way. You see, I got this flyer in the mail that advertised a book sale. Not just any book sale, but all kinds of books you might like, sold for 6.40 Euros a KILO! I couldn't pass that up. Luc and I set out for an afternoon book hunt. Though the sale was advertised as being located in Etang Salé, it really was another 10 minutes from the center of town which we never would've found without the help of a friendly pizza man. It ended up being housed in the back of a large, white warehouse partially shared with someone using a very loud electric saw. (At least, I think that's what it was, though I'm certainly no expert on tools). The books looked to be unsold extras from the past few years. Five and a half kilos later, Luc and I were in book heaven. We ended up only getting children's books (8), and cookbooks (4), because everything else just paled in comparison.
Here are my cookbook finds:

1. C'est le Sud by Guy Martin
The cover is a little battered, but the inside....oh my...

(doesn't that look almost like it's really sitting on my table?)

2. Cuisine épicée by Cornelia Schinharl

It was originally a German book that has been translated and it features cuisines from all over the world. Very fun. Adventurous tasters only.

3. Cuisiner pour le plaisir by Grund
Originally titled Easy Food and printed in England

(oh yes, this would please me!)

4. Huile d'olive by Clare Gordon-Smith
Originally titled Flavouring with Oil, it too, was a British book before being translated.

(I'm planning on make the above recipe soon)

Then a few days later, I found these 2 cookbooks, which I had to have, because Marabout's books are so beautifully photographed that I was drooling looking at the pictures. (Note to self: if I ever write a cookbook, invest in a good photographer!)

The first smaller book has recipes that are made for advance preparation, with the idea that you can finish off the recipe quickly at the last minute-perfect for this stay at home mom! The second is a book only about vegetables. It's not one of your run of the mill vegetarian cookbooks, but a more thoughtful approach in how to best take advantage of all the different veggie varieties, how best to cook these vegetables, some delicious sounding recipes, and of course, mouth watering photographs.

Of course they're all in french, but it's good practice for me, and I like to think that I'm brushing up on my nutrition vocabulary a bit too for whenever I get a job here. We're saving the children's books to give to Luc for Christmas and his birthday, plus a few to give to friends. I can't wait for more book sales like this. 36 Euros well-spent!

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