Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time flies!

It's March already? Wasn't it New Year's just last week?
I'm getting old!
So let's see, what's new in our lives on this little island? Alex happily returned from 12 days in Métropole, where he was attending a training session for work. It was a trip that reaffirmed his preference NOT to live in a place where it can snow. More than that, we missed him, and he missed us, beaucoup!!

We've also purchased our tickets for some intense summer traveling this year. We're attending some friends wedding in....HAWAII!! So, we're flying the opposite way around the world this time. And the other big news...we're stopping in AUSTRALIA!! Can you tell I'm excited?
So, if anyone can think of things we should do or see while on the east coast of down under, please let us know. Luc will be one and a half at that point, so we'll be looking for half-day outings mostly. We'll have 3 and a half weeks in Hawaii, plenty of time for last minute wedding activities and relaxing on the beaches! Anyways, more on the trip as it gets closer.
Hope everyone is surviving the 1 millionth snowstorm or any other curveball mother nature sends your way!

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