Friday, October 7, 2011

scenes from around the house

the Hooray banner went up for Alex's birthday on wednesday.

Our new mama cat! The babies are one week old today!

She and Luc are buddies.

Cats like dinosaurs too.

He loves having a pet.

fresh herbs for now. need to get started on that herb garden....
blogger needs to stop turning my pictures!
what's on the craft table for the moment. 

and Luc's craft area too

remnants of the world's best chocolate cake. ever. seriously. 

Notes about the chocolate birthday cake; it was made with Guinness. Yup! And a whole lot of butter, sugar, and love. The recipe is enough to make cake for a family of 15, so I reccomend cutting it in half. I ended up using a pan that was not quite big enough and of poor quality, so the result was not picture perfect, but tasted amazing anyways. The batter began to fall over the sides of the pan halfway through the cooking time leading to a huge mess in the bottom of my oven. Also, I made a half portion of the frosting in the recipe and that was too much, plus I found it uneccessary to dress up such a moist cake. I think the cake is plenty great all on it's own, with a light dusting of powdered sugar. Here's where I found the recipe.

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