Monday, June 28, 2010

ten things

For the past week or so, I've been thinking I'd like to write a post of "25 random things" or some gibberish like that. All for the sake of, I just sometimes like to make lists. But 25 is too much, too daunting, and random is too open. And then, I was inspired by Soulemama to make a list of 10 things I'm enjoying in life right now. A much more focused list. Yes, that sounds good. Hopefully some of you out there will also be inspired to write or think about a list that describes the good in your life right now. Leave a comment if you're inclined to share!

1. these cute little radishes bought in the local market down the street, that have made their way into several salads in recent meals.

2. the fact that we no longer take the stroller out for trips to the market or semi-nearby shops. there is however, much more sheparding action going on. whether it's on his end or mine is not sure...

(see the previous post)

5. my biggest sewing project yet

6. quinoa croquettes

7. lavender that was smuggled here from Provence!

8. Did you know you can even bake with lavender? Here's an amazing lemon-lavender cookie recipe.

9. good surf

10.bubble baths

1 comment:

Simone said...

What a lovely idea. Especially when you're feeling a bit frazzled! Thought I'd respond with a little list myself. Funny how little things came up that I didn't even know I enjoy...

1. Late night reruns of Law and Order SVU

2. What is the What by Dave Eggers

3. My daily Iced Latte on my way to work routine

4. This 15 minute ab dvd my friend gave me. Not so much the process but the resulting pain, it’s that good burning pain.

5. Stretching – see above.

6. My silly side projects - currently making a children's book for adults :)

7. The World Cup - Go Ghana!!!

8. Making distant plans of beachy vacations

9. This hot weather - though I feel like I smell like pavement

10. Spending more time with myself

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