Friday, November 6, 2009

Creative Desires

For the past 3 months or so, I've been consumed with a need to release some newfound creative energy. Now that the monkey is becoming such a curious little explorer, I am taking his cue to wake up to the beauty and details of our little world here. What I mean is that I've begun to keep certain things that could be reused in a creative way. I'm not sure how or what will come of these materials, but I do know that something can and must be done to give them a second beautiful life. And what medium do I want to work with you ask? Anything and everything. Paper, fabric, plastic, wood, metal, etc.
I credit this recent creative vibe to my discovery of, which I completely missed during my time away from accessible internet (aka: my peace corps stint). Everytime I check Etsy, I find at least 10 creative projects that give me the idea of "hey, even I could do that!" or, "I could do something like that, but I'd switch out that for...". I even found the headband I wore at our renewal of vows ceremony on Etsy.

Here are some other things I'm loving on Etsy these days and think maybe I could replicate in some way:

Currently, I am eagerly awaiting my copy of Handmade Home to arrive for further inspiration and ideas. It was written by Amanda Blake Soule, author of the blog SouleMama which I love and have listed under "Likeable Stuff" on the right.
Perhaps this creative desire is also part of why I began this blog. Writing, however random (or even boring) the subject, is still an outlet of sorts.
Stay tuned for some creative projects in the next few months. Until then, take some time to check out Etsy, to support the handmade movement, and maybe check off some holiday shopping from your "to do" lists.

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