Saturday, August 6, 2011

he might kill me if he sees I put this picture on the internet...

Every time we go on vacation, Alex always grows a beard, which I love, but after a couple of weeks he eventually finds it too itchy and then shaves it off. This time, he did so in horrible facial hair stages. First it was the goatee. 
Me: "Umm, you missed some parts, go back and try again."
Alex: "What? You don't like goatees? They're cool!"

Then he came back with a long mustache.
Me: "Eww."
Alex: "Oh come here and kiss me!"
Me: "Get that thing off your face and I will."
Alex: "All your brothers have mustaches!"
Me: "Yeah, but I'm not kissing them!"

Then, I suppose all the talk about Nazi soilders occupying his grandmother's house, or the fact that in Strasbourg you hear almost as much German as you do French, or maybe the fields of hops, all the local breweries, and smell of sauerkraut went to his head. Because then he came back with this:

(UPDATE** Alex did indeed ask me to take down the photo of him with a Hitler mustache, so really all you're left with is the story!)

Me: "Jerome, will you call for a pizza, because we can't go out in public with this guy."

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