Monday, June 14, 2010

returning to a sense of normal-ness

Needless to say, I haven't felt the most creative or productive in recent weeks. And finding words for those days was near impossible too. It's not been all bad though. I've found that grieving also brings more love into your life. Or rather, a deeper sense of it. You remember to say I love you in more meaningful ways and to say it more often to those important people in your life. Love is such a powerful thing isn't it? Not romantic love, but love that's strengthened by going through the shit times together; the love between husband and wife, between mother and child, between father and child, siblings, friends, etc. Grieving makes me feel love even more powerfully. That's not the only thing of course, but admittedly, that old expression; "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" is quite true. All the people who made it to Matt's funeral, wake, or sent their regards in other ways have helped not just our entire family, but EVERYONE pull together and love each other a little stronger. Thank you.

(Luc watching the birds)

(Alex watching France in the World Cup!)

That's all I've got for now. Maybe one day soon I'll play catch-up with some things that have been going on here. Until then, take care all! (comments are always welcome!)


Auntie Peggy said...

Couldn't agree more. I think the boys understand more fully why I never say good by w/o also saying "I love you." And though they've always responded I sense that now it's more deeply felt. The extended family is in my daily thoughts and prayers, Matt's especially.

Colleen Moriarty and Daniel Britt said...

we love you guys and cant wait to see you!! just take it one day at a time... luc will show you how!

p.s. go france!!!!!

Angie said...

When Josh's grandmother passed away in December, all I can remember was feeling a lot closer to him than I ever had. To go through the icky stuff and the hard stuff with someone else (like a partner and a child) changes the way you think about life and your priorities. I'm glad to hear that you and your family were well supported after Matt's passing. You have a beautiful family in Luc and hubby as well as back in the States. :)

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