Remember when I told you about our first Kiva loan? Well, Ofugho's loan has already started to trickle back into the Kiva network. She has already paid back half of of it, allowing us to pass the loan money on to another person. Which is what we did today!
"Omotola is a widow with two children under her care. She is 48 years old. She sells plantain at wholesale to buyers who go out to resell. She has been in this business for over nine years. She does this trade to make a living in Lagos State, Nigeria. She makes sure her customers demands are met while indirectly improving her finances. From the profit in her business, she takes good care of herself and her children. Omotola hopes to expand her business in the future.
Omotola is requesting a loan of NGN 70,000 to purchase plantain in bulk at a discount to sell. She is grateful to all Kiva lenders for their support."
Our wedding registry is "old fashioned checks" and Kiva gift certificates, but we're not sure if the gift certificate route is the best way. (We're not sure if people will understand the concept.) Should we pick an entrepreneur first? (I'm just worried that come wedding time the project may not be there.) Do you have any other recommendations on how we can accomplish this?
I would just say Kiva GC's, then leave the website info and perhaps a brief bit of info on how Kiva works. The loans get filled amazingly fast! well, at least in our experience. If you find people didn't quite get the concept and you want to donate more to Kiva, just use your wedding checks to do that and tell them in the thank-yous. Do you have a wedding website? If so, you could link to the Kiva "how it works" info from there. Probably stuff you've already thought of, but hope it helps!
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